All liturgical ministers must be properly trained for their ministry. Training is held on an as need basis or by appointment with Deacon Ken Hall. You may contact Decaon Ken directly with questions or to make an appointment at 256-673-1024.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a lay person who assists the priest in administering the sacraments of holy communion, the consecrated bread, and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass.
Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly.
Ushers In general, ushers carry responsibility for the following:
1. Seating those assembled for Liturgy and especially taking special efforts to seat the faithful during the natural breaks in the Mass.
2. Attending to the needs of the disabled through such things as holding doors open, or locating accessible areas places for wheelchairs and walkers.
3. Making sure that the gifts of bread and wine are in their proper places before Mass and asking members of the assembly to bring forth the gifts at the Offertory
4. Checking the worship space to make certain that it free from clutter
5. Assisting in the Rite of Preparation:
6. Assisting the handicapped in receiving Holy Communion as well as facilitating the Communion procession.
Altar Servers
An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during liturgy. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar; carrying liturgical items, ringing the altar bells, among other things. If you would like to see a video on the basics of serving the Mass, please click HERE.
Music Ministry Enhances the experience of worship by heightening the word of God and to provide beauty to the liturgy through music. Contact Chris Wallace at 256-738-8828 if you would like information regarding the St. William music ministries.